Esalen Institute is open! However, Highway 1 to the south is closed — please review the alternate route directions.

Tom Little Bear Nason

Little Bear is the Tribal Chairman of the Esselen Tribe of Monterey County. He is a traditional cultural resource specialist, Tribal Archeology Monitor, and Wildland Consultant. Little Bear has a deep history at the Esalen Institute, a sacred site for the Esselen, and has led a lifetime of retreats centering around initiation, ritual and ceremony between humans and their relationship between each other, land and Spirit. 

Tom Little Bear Nason

Little Bear is the Tribal Chairman of the Esselen Tribe of Monterey County. He is a traditional cultural resource specialist, Tribal Archeology Monitor, and Wildland Consultant. Little Bear has a deep history at the Esalen Institute, a sacred site for the Esselen, and has led a lifetime of retreats centering around initiation, ritual and ceremony between humans and their relationship between each other, land and Spirit. 
