Lorenia had a main role in co-founding four important university organizations and networks in her path toward supporting people in cultivating a healthy mind, healthy sexuality, and embodied relationships. In her mentoring, she blends a passion for discovering and learning with the urgency for social change to work towards more equitable and healing relationships between people, living beings, and the earth.
As a psychologist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, she focused on the study of sexuality, consciousness, gender, body language, and wisdom. Being an Awaken Mind practitioner in brain wave reading biofeedback and MBSR facilitator supported her understanding of the power of body-mind training through mindful awareness practices and meditation, establishing this practice as her own resource for more than 25 years in her personal life, as well as in her coaching, mediating, and mentoring approaches.
Within other resources, she has explored, studied, and practiced different approaches that recognize the body-mind holds internalized beliefs and thought patterns that have become unconscious and greatly impact our intra-connectedness. These include the Hakomi Method, interpersonal neurobiology, the integration of non-ordinary experiences, NeuroAffective Touch, breathwork, and more.
More information at www.loreniapa.com
From her experience as a psychologist and social activist, Lorenia Parada Ampudia offers different mindful awareness practices as basic tools for learning about our body-mind relationships for self-discovery, self-regulation, and self-leadership. Identifying and finding clarity in understanding the context and dynamics of our own birth, early relationships with caregivers, and our body expression language are of great support for any transformation toward cultivating a healthy mind, healthy sexuality, and embodied harmonious relationships.