Inviting Peace & Rest: The Esalen Summer “Dreaming” Box

Darnell Lamont Walker leading Rituals Writing Workshop

Many of us welcome the Summer season. What’s not to love? Sun-soaked days followed by breezy, warm nights; sand particles grazing our toes; wafting scents of fresh salt air and outdoor grilling; time we spend in nature with family and friends. Our days are longer and nights shorter, making it even more of a priority that we get a deep, restful sleep. Our bodies can repair and restore themselves during sleep, allowing for overall well-being and healing. While curating our Esalen Summer "Dreaming" Box, I reflected on a few key items that are often employed as sleep-enhancing tools while staying at Esalen, and can therefore be brought home.

Managing sleep can often be a challenge: our mind races, technology looms, and the pressure to fall asleep versus simply resting can actually prohibit us from truly letting go and sleeping. Enter How To Sleep, by Rafael Pelayo, M.D. This easy-to-read book includes practical steps on how to sleep from a holistic perspective, and also examines sleep issues and behaviors while offering simple solutions we can all implement into our daily lives.

While at Esalen, many rooms have skylights which offer the ability to awaken with natural light. There is something magical about waking up with nature —  birds chirping, squirrels running around in the branches of trees, and the glow of the morning sun. However, there are some people, like myself, who wish for a smidge more time tucked under the covers. For this reason, our store is filled with eye pillows and eye masks, and in our Summer “Dreaming” box, we’ve included a golden-colored, 100% natural silk eye mask from Made by Yoke. Each one has a comfortable, elastic silk-covered strap for the highest wellness support.

Surrounding ourselves with a calming and peaceful environment also includes scent. Our extraordinary sense of smell can aid in producing a sound slumber. Infinite Essence Essential Oil Blend (Surrender) specifically targets the realm of sleeping well. This oil is a beautiful blend of relaxing and soothing essential oils with a carrier of organic coconut MCT oil that allows  application directly onto the skin as well as onto pillows and sheets. 

Summer dreaming at Esalen wouldn’t be complete without a vision seeker dream catcher that is designed to catch bad dreams. Quartz crystals embedded in the dream catcher assist in removing lingering negative thoughts or energies and enhance spiritual communication. Each dream catcher is uniquely handmade by Monague Native Crafts and includes semi-precious stones, feathers, and beads. 

These four perfect tools will help you sleep while on any adventure, whether away or at home, and they are a great step as you seek to create your own nightly ritual to support your mental and physical health during this season of Summer. 

Remember, when you make a purchase through our online or retail store you are supporting Esalen. All purchase dollars go back into the care of this astonishing land. Find our Summer “Dreaming” Box and other products in our online store and bring Esalen home.

“Remembering to be as self compassionate as I can and praying to the divine that we're all a part of.” 

“Prayer, reading, meditation, walking.”
“Erratically — which is an ongoing stream of practice to find peace.”
“Try on a daily basis to be kind to myself and to realize that making mistakes is a part of the human condition. Learning from our mistakes is a journey. But it starts with compassion and caring. First for oneself.”

“Physically: aerobic exercise, volleyball, ice hockey, cycling, sailing. Emotionally: unfortunately I have to work to ‘not care’ about people or situations which may end painfully. Along the lines of ‘attachment is the source of suffering’, so best to avoid it or limit its scope. Sad though because it could also be the source of great joy. Is it worth the risk?“

“It's time for my heart to be nurtured on one level yet contained on another. To go easy on me and to allow my feelings to be validated, not judged harshly. On the other hand, to let the heart rule with equanimity and not lead the mind and body around like a master.”

“I spend time thinking of everything I am grateful for, and I try to develop my ability to express compassion for myself and others without reservation. I take time to do the things I need to do to keep myself healthy and happy. This includes taking experiential workshops, fostering relationships, and participating within groups which have a similar interest to become a more compassionate and fulfilled being.“

“Self-forgiveness for my own judgments. And oh yeah, coming to Esalen.”
–David B.

“Hmm, this is a tough one! I guess I take care of my heart through fostering relationships with people I feel connected to. Spending quality time with them (whether we're on the phone, through messages/letters, on Zoom, or in-person). Being there for them, listening to them, sharing what's going on with me, my struggles and my successes... like we do in the Esalen weekly Friends of Esalen Zoom sessions!”

“I remind myself in many ways of the fact that " Love is all there is!" LOVE is the prize and this one precious life is the stage we get to learn our lessons. I get out into nature, hike, camp, river kayak, fly fish, garden, I create, I dance (not enough!), and I remain grateful for each day, each breath, each moment. Being in the moment, awake, and remembering the gift of life and my feeling of gratitude for all of creation.”
“My physical heart by limiting stress and eating a heart-healthy diet. My emotional heart by staying in love with the world and by knowing that all disappointment and loss will pass.“
–David Z.

Today, September 29, is World Heart Day. Strike up a conversation with your own heart and as you feel comfortable, encourage others to do the same. As part of our own transformations and self-care, we sometimes ask for others to illuminate and enliven our hearts or speak our love language.

What if we could do this for ourselves too, even if just for today… or to start a heart practice, forever?


Heather Martin

Heather Martin is the Buyer and Visual Merchandiser for Esalen’s retail and online space. As a certified Reiki Master Teacher with experience in many facets of retail, Heather layers her ability to create beautiful spaces with her love of wellness.

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Darnell Lamont Walker leading Rituals Writing Workshop
Inviting Peace & Rest: The Esalen Summer “Dreaming” Box

Many of us welcome the Summer season. What’s not to love? Sun-soaked days followed by breezy, warm nights; sand particles grazing our toes; wafting scents of fresh salt air and outdoor grilling; time we spend in nature with family and friends. Our days are longer and nights shorter, making it even more of a priority that we get a deep, restful sleep. Our bodies can repair and restore themselves during sleep, allowing for overall well-being and healing. While curating our Esalen Summer "Dreaming" Box, I reflected on a few key items that are often employed as sleep-enhancing tools while staying at Esalen, and can therefore be brought home.

Managing sleep can often be a challenge: our mind races, technology looms, and the pressure to fall asleep versus simply resting can actually prohibit us from truly letting go and sleeping. Enter How To Sleep, by Rafael Pelayo, M.D. This easy-to-read book includes practical steps on how to sleep from a holistic perspective, and also examines sleep issues and behaviors while offering simple solutions we can all implement into our daily lives.

While at Esalen, many rooms have skylights which offer the ability to awaken with natural light. There is something magical about waking up with nature —  birds chirping, squirrels running around in the branches of trees, and the glow of the morning sun. However, there are some people, like myself, who wish for a smidge more time tucked under the covers. For this reason, our store is filled with eye pillows and eye masks, and in our Summer “Dreaming” box, we’ve included a golden-colored, 100% natural silk eye mask from Made by Yoke. Each one has a comfortable, elastic silk-covered strap for the highest wellness support.

Surrounding ourselves with a calming and peaceful environment also includes scent. Our extraordinary sense of smell can aid in producing a sound slumber. Infinite Essence Essential Oil Blend (Surrender) specifically targets the realm of sleeping well. This oil is a beautiful blend of relaxing and soothing essential oils with a carrier of organic coconut MCT oil that allows  application directly onto the skin as well as onto pillows and sheets. 

Summer dreaming at Esalen wouldn’t be complete without a vision seeker dream catcher that is designed to catch bad dreams. Quartz crystals embedded in the dream catcher assist in removing lingering negative thoughts or energies and enhance spiritual communication. Each dream catcher is uniquely handmade by Monague Native Crafts and includes semi-precious stones, feathers, and beads. 

These four perfect tools will help you sleep while on any adventure, whether away or at home, and they are a great step as you seek to create your own nightly ritual to support your mental and physical health during this season of Summer. 

Remember, when you make a purchase through our online or retail store you are supporting Esalen. All purchase dollars go back into the care of this astonishing land. Find our Summer “Dreaming” Box and other products in our online store and bring Esalen home.

“Remembering to be as self compassionate as I can and praying to the divine that we're all a part of.” 

“Prayer, reading, meditation, walking.”
“Erratically — which is an ongoing stream of practice to find peace.”
“Try on a daily basis to be kind to myself and to realize that making mistakes is a part of the human condition. Learning from our mistakes is a journey. But it starts with compassion and caring. First for oneself.”

“Physically: aerobic exercise, volleyball, ice hockey, cycling, sailing. Emotionally: unfortunately I have to work to ‘not care’ about people or situations which may end painfully. Along the lines of ‘attachment is the source of suffering’, so best to avoid it or limit its scope. Sad though because it could also be the source of great joy. Is it worth the risk?“

“It's time for my heart to be nurtured on one level yet contained on another. To go easy on me and to allow my feelings to be validated, not judged harshly. On the other hand, to let the heart rule with equanimity and not lead the mind and body around like a master.”

“I spend time thinking of everything I am grateful for, and I try to develop my ability to express compassion for myself and others without reservation. I take time to do the things I need to do to keep myself healthy and happy. This includes taking experiential workshops, fostering relationships, and participating within groups which have a similar interest to become a more compassionate and fulfilled being.“

“Self-forgiveness for my own judgments. And oh yeah, coming to Esalen.”
–David B.

“Hmm, this is a tough one! I guess I take care of my heart through fostering relationships with people I feel connected to. Spending quality time with them (whether we're on the phone, through messages/letters, on Zoom, or in-person). Being there for them, listening to them, sharing what's going on with me, my struggles and my successes... like we do in the Esalen weekly Friends of Esalen Zoom sessions!”

“I remind myself in many ways of the fact that " Love is all there is!" LOVE is the prize and this one precious life is the stage we get to learn our lessons. I get out into nature, hike, camp, river kayak, fly fish, garden, I create, I dance (not enough!), and I remain grateful for each day, each breath, each moment. Being in the moment, awake, and remembering the gift of life and my feeling of gratitude for all of creation.”
“My physical heart by limiting stress and eating a heart-healthy diet. My emotional heart by staying in love with the world and by knowing that all disappointment and loss will pass.“
–David Z.

Today, September 29, is World Heart Day. Strike up a conversation with your own heart and as you feel comfortable, encourage others to do the same. As part of our own transformations and self-care, we sometimes ask for others to illuminate and enliven our hearts or speak our love language.

What if we could do this for ourselves too, even if just for today… or to start a heart practice, forever?


Heather Martin

Heather Martin is the Buyer and Visual Merchandiser for Esalen’s retail and online space. As a certified Reiki Master Teacher with experience in many facets of retail, Heather layers her ability to create beautiful spaces with her love of wellness.

Inviting Peace & Rest: The Esalen Summer “Dreaming” Box


Heather Martin

Heather Martin is the Buyer and Visual Merchandiser for Esalen’s retail and online space. As a certified Reiki Master Teacher with experience in many facets of retail, Heather layers her ability to create beautiful spaces with her love of wellness.

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Darnell Lamont Walker leading Rituals Writing Workshop

Many of us welcome the Summer season. What’s not to love? Sun-soaked days followed by breezy, warm nights; sand particles grazing our toes; wafting scents of fresh salt air and outdoor grilling; time we spend in nature with family and friends. Our days are longer and nights shorter, making it even more of a priority that we get a deep, restful sleep. Our bodies can repair and restore themselves during sleep, allowing for overall well-being and healing. While curating our Esalen Summer "Dreaming" Box, I reflected on a few key items that are often employed as sleep-enhancing tools while staying at Esalen, and can therefore be brought home.

Managing sleep can often be a challenge: our mind races, technology looms, and the pressure to fall asleep versus simply resting can actually prohibit us from truly letting go and sleeping. Enter How To Sleep, by Rafael Pelayo, M.D. This easy-to-read book includes practical steps on how to sleep from a holistic perspective, and also examines sleep issues and behaviors while offering simple solutions we can all implement into our daily lives.

While at Esalen, many rooms have skylights which offer the ability to awaken with natural light. There is something magical about waking up with nature —  birds chirping, squirrels running around in the branches of trees, and the glow of the morning sun. However, there are some people, like myself, who wish for a smidge more time tucked under the covers. For this reason, our store is filled with eye pillows and eye masks, and in our Summer “Dreaming” box, we’ve included a golden-colored, 100% natural silk eye mask from Made by Yoke. Each one has a comfortable, elastic silk-covered strap for the highest wellness support.

Surrounding ourselves with a calming and peaceful environment also includes scent. Our extraordinary sense of smell can aid in producing a sound slumber. Infinite Essence Essential Oil Blend (Surrender) specifically targets the realm of sleeping well. This oil is a beautiful blend of relaxing and soothing essential oils with a carrier of organic coconut MCT oil that allows  application directly onto the skin as well as onto pillows and sheets. 

Summer dreaming at Esalen wouldn’t be complete without a vision seeker dream catcher that is designed to catch bad dreams. Quartz crystals embedded in the dream catcher assist in removing lingering negative thoughts or energies and enhance spiritual communication. Each dream catcher is uniquely handmade by Monague Native Crafts and includes semi-precious stones, feathers, and beads. 

These four perfect tools will help you sleep while on any adventure, whether away or at home, and they are a great step as you seek to create your own nightly ritual to support your mental and physical health during this season of Summer. 

Remember, when you make a purchase through our online or retail store you are supporting Esalen. All purchase dollars go back into the care of this astonishing land. Find our Summer “Dreaming” Box and other products in our online store and bring Esalen home.

“Remembering to be as self compassionate as I can and praying to the divine that we're all a part of.” 

“Prayer, reading, meditation, walking.”
“Erratically — which is an ongoing stream of practice to find peace.”
“Try on a daily basis to be kind to myself and to realize that making mistakes is a part of the human condition. Learning from our mistakes is a journey. But it starts with compassion and caring. First for oneself.”

“Physically: aerobic exercise, volleyball, ice hockey, cycling, sailing. Emotionally: unfortunately I have to work to ‘not care’ about people or situations which may end painfully. Along the lines of ‘attachment is the source of suffering’, so best to avoid it or limit its scope. Sad though because it could also be the source of great joy. Is it worth the risk?“

“It's time for my heart to be nurtured on one level yet contained on another. To go easy on me and to allow my feelings to be validated, not judged harshly. On the other hand, to let the heart rule with equanimity and not lead the mind and body around like a master.”

“I spend time thinking of everything I am grateful for, and I try to develop my ability to express compassion for myself and others without reservation. I take time to do the things I need to do to keep myself healthy and happy. This includes taking experiential workshops, fostering relationships, and participating within groups which have a similar interest to become a more compassionate and fulfilled being.“

“Self-forgiveness for my own judgments. And oh yeah, coming to Esalen.”
–David B.

“Hmm, this is a tough one! I guess I take care of my heart through fostering relationships with people I feel connected to. Spending quality time with them (whether we're on the phone, through messages/letters, on Zoom, or in-person). Being there for them, listening to them, sharing what's going on with me, my struggles and my successes... like we do in the Esalen weekly Friends of Esalen Zoom sessions!”

“I remind myself in many ways of the fact that " Love is all there is!" LOVE is the prize and this one precious life is the stage we get to learn our lessons. I get out into nature, hike, camp, river kayak, fly fish, garden, I create, I dance (not enough!), and I remain grateful for each day, each breath, each moment. Being in the moment, awake, and remembering the gift of life and my feeling of gratitude for all of creation.”
“My physical heart by limiting stress and eating a heart-healthy diet. My emotional heart by staying in love with the world and by knowing that all disappointment and loss will pass.“
–David Z.

Today, September 29, is World Heart Day. Strike up a conversation with your own heart and as you feel comfortable, encourage others to do the same. As part of our own transformations and self-care, we sometimes ask for others to illuminate and enliven our hearts or speak our love language.

What if we could do this for ourselves too, even if just for today… or to start a heart practice, forever?


Heather Martin

Heather Martin is the Buyer and Visual Merchandiser for Esalen’s retail and online space. As a certified Reiki Master Teacher with experience in many facets of retail, Heather layers her ability to create beautiful spaces with her love of wellness.

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Darnell Lamont Walker leading Rituals Writing Workshop
Inviting Peace & Rest: The Esalen Summer “Dreaming” Box

Many of us welcome the Summer season. What’s not to love? Sun-soaked days followed by breezy, warm nights; sand particles grazing our toes; wafting scents of fresh salt air and outdoor grilling; time we spend in nature with family and friends. Our days are longer and nights shorter, making it even more of a priority that we get a deep, restful sleep. Our bodies can repair and restore themselves during sleep, allowing for overall well-being and healing. While curating our Esalen Summer "Dreaming" Box, I reflected on a few key items that are often employed as sleep-enhancing tools while staying at Esalen, and can therefore be brought home.

Managing sleep can often be a challenge: our mind races, technology looms, and the pressure to fall asleep versus simply resting can actually prohibit us from truly letting go and sleeping. Enter How To Sleep, by Rafael Pelayo, M.D. This easy-to-read book includes practical steps on how to sleep from a holistic perspective, and also examines sleep issues and behaviors while offering simple solutions we can all implement into our daily lives.

While at Esalen, many rooms have skylights which offer the ability to awaken with natural light. There is something magical about waking up with nature —  birds chirping, squirrels running around in the branches of trees, and the glow of the morning sun. However, there are some people, like myself, who wish for a smidge more time tucked under the covers. For this reason, our store is filled with eye pillows and eye masks, and in our Summer “Dreaming” box, we’ve included a golden-colored, 100% natural silk eye mask from Made by Yoke. Each one has a comfortable, elastic silk-covered strap for the highest wellness support.

Surrounding ourselves with a calming and peaceful environment also includes scent. Our extraordinary sense of smell can aid in producing a sound slumber. Infinite Essence Essential Oil Blend (Surrender) specifically targets the realm of sleeping well. This oil is a beautiful blend of relaxing and soothing essential oils with a carrier of organic coconut MCT oil that allows  application directly onto the skin as well as onto pillows and sheets. 

Summer dreaming at Esalen wouldn’t be complete without a vision seeker dream catcher that is designed to catch bad dreams. Quartz crystals embedded in the dream catcher assist in removing lingering negative thoughts or energies and enhance spiritual communication. Each dream catcher is uniquely handmade by Monague Native Crafts and includes semi-precious stones, feathers, and beads. 

These four perfect tools will help you sleep while on any adventure, whether away or at home, and they are a great step as you seek to create your own nightly ritual to support your mental and physical health during this season of Summer. 

Remember, when you make a purchase through our online or retail store you are supporting Esalen. All purchase dollars go back into the care of this astonishing land. Find our Summer “Dreaming” Box and other products in our online store and bring Esalen home.

“Remembering to be as self compassionate as I can and praying to the divine that we're all a part of.” 

“Prayer, reading, meditation, walking.”
“Erratically — which is an ongoing stream of practice to find peace.”
“Try on a daily basis to be kind to myself and to realize that making mistakes is a part of the human condition. Learning from our mistakes is a journey. But it starts with compassion and caring. First for oneself.”

“Physically: aerobic exercise, volleyball, ice hockey, cycling, sailing. Emotionally: unfortunately I have to work to ‘not care’ about people or situations which may end painfully. Along the lines of ‘attachment is the source of suffering’, so best to avoid it or limit its scope. Sad though because it could also be the source of great joy. Is it worth the risk?“

“It's time for my heart to be nurtured on one level yet contained on another. To go easy on me and to allow my feelings to be validated, not judged harshly. On the other hand, to let the heart rule with equanimity and not lead the mind and body around like a master.”

“I spend time thinking of everything I am grateful for, and I try to develop my ability to express compassion for myself and others without reservation. I take time to do the things I need to do to keep myself healthy and happy. This includes taking experiential workshops, fostering relationships, and participating within groups which have a similar interest to become a more compassionate and fulfilled being.“

“Self-forgiveness for my own judgments. And oh yeah, coming to Esalen.”
–David B.

“Hmm, this is a tough one! I guess I take care of my heart through fostering relationships with people I feel connected to. Spending quality time with them (whether we're on the phone, through messages/letters, on Zoom, or in-person). Being there for them, listening to them, sharing what's going on with me, my struggles and my successes... like we do in the Esalen weekly Friends of Esalen Zoom sessions!”

“I remind myself in many ways of the fact that " Love is all there is!" LOVE is the prize and this one precious life is the stage we get to learn our lessons. I get out into nature, hike, camp, river kayak, fly fish, garden, I create, I dance (not enough!), and I remain grateful for each day, each breath, each moment. Being in the moment, awake, and remembering the gift of life and my feeling of gratitude for all of creation.”
“My physical heart by limiting stress and eating a heart-healthy diet. My emotional heart by staying in love with the world and by knowing that all disappointment and loss will pass.“
–David Z.

Today, September 29, is World Heart Day. Strike up a conversation with your own heart and as you feel comfortable, encourage others to do the same. As part of our own transformations and self-care, we sometimes ask for others to illuminate and enliven our hearts or speak our love language.

What if we could do this for ourselves too, even if just for today… or to start a heart practice, forever?


Heather Martin

Heather Martin is the Buyer and Visual Merchandiser for Esalen’s retail and online space. As a certified Reiki Master Teacher with experience in many facets of retail, Heather layers her ability to create beautiful spaces with her love of wellness.

Inviting Peace & Rest: The Esalen Summer “Dreaming” Box


Heather Martin

Heather Martin is the Buyer and Visual Merchandiser for Esalen’s retail and online space. As a certified Reiki Master Teacher with experience in many facets of retail, Heather layers her ability to create beautiful spaces with her love of wellness.

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Darnell Lamont Walker leading Rituals Writing Workshop

Many of us welcome the Summer season. What’s not to love? Sun-soaked days followed by breezy, warm nights; sand particles grazing our toes; wafting scents of fresh salt air and outdoor grilling; time we spend in nature with family and friends. Our days are longer and nights shorter, making it even more of a priority that we get a deep, restful sleep. Our bodies can repair and restore themselves during sleep, allowing for overall well-being and healing. While curating our Esalen Summer "Dreaming" Box, I reflected on a few key items that are often employed as sleep-enhancing tools while staying at Esalen, and can therefore be brought home.

Managing sleep can often be a challenge: our mind races, technology looms, and the pressure to fall asleep versus simply resting can actually prohibit us from truly letting go and sleeping. Enter How To Sleep, by Rafael Pelayo, M.D. This easy-to-read book includes practical steps on how to sleep from a holistic perspective, and also examines sleep issues and behaviors while offering simple solutions we can all implement into our daily lives.

While at Esalen, many rooms have skylights which offer the ability to awaken with natural light. There is something magical about waking up with nature —  birds chirping, squirrels running around in the branches of trees, and the glow of the morning sun. However, there are some people, like myself, who wish for a smidge more time tucked under the covers. For this reason, our store is filled with eye pillows and eye masks, and in our Summer “Dreaming” box, we’ve included a golden-colored, 100% natural silk eye mask from Made by Yoke. Each one has a comfortable, elastic silk-covered strap for the highest wellness support.

Surrounding ourselves with a calming and peaceful environment also includes scent. Our extraordinary sense of smell can aid in producing a sound slumber. Infinite Essence Essential Oil Blend (Surrender) specifically targets the realm of sleeping well. This oil is a beautiful blend of relaxing and soothing essential oils with a carrier of organic coconut MCT oil that allows  application directly onto the skin as well as onto pillows and sheets. 

Summer dreaming at Esalen wouldn’t be complete without a vision seeker dream catcher that is designed to catch bad dreams. Quartz crystals embedded in the dream catcher assist in removing lingering negative thoughts or energies and enhance spiritual communication. Each dream catcher is uniquely handmade by Monague Native Crafts and includes semi-precious stones, feathers, and beads. 

These four perfect tools will help you sleep while on any adventure, whether away or at home, and they are a great step as you seek to create your own nightly ritual to support your mental and physical health during this season of Summer. 

Remember, when you make a purchase through our online or retail store you are supporting Esalen. All purchase dollars go back into the care of this astonishing land. Find our Summer “Dreaming” Box and other products in our online store and bring Esalen home.

“Remembering to be as self compassionate as I can and praying to the divine that we're all a part of.” 

“Prayer, reading, meditation, walking.”
“Erratically — which is an ongoing stream of practice to find peace.”
“Try on a daily basis to be kind to myself and to realize that making mistakes is a part of the human condition. Learning from our mistakes is a journey. But it starts with compassion and caring. First for oneself.”

“Physically: aerobic exercise, volleyball, ice hockey, cycling, sailing. Emotionally: unfortunately I have to work to ‘not care’ about people or situations which may end painfully. Along the lines of ‘attachment is the source of suffering’, so best to avoid it or limit its scope. Sad though because it could also be the source of great joy. Is it worth the risk?“

“It's time for my heart to be nurtured on one level yet contained on another. To go easy on me and to allow my feelings to be validated, not judged harshly. On the other hand, to let the heart rule with equanimity and not lead the mind and body around like a master.”

“I spend time thinking of everything I am grateful for, and I try to develop my ability to express compassion for myself and others without reservation. I take time to do the things I need to do to keep myself healthy and happy. This includes taking experiential workshops, fostering relationships, and participating within groups which have a similar interest to become a more compassionate and fulfilled being.“

“Self-forgiveness for my own judgments. And oh yeah, coming to Esalen.”
–David B.

“Hmm, this is a tough one! I guess I take care of my heart through fostering relationships with people I feel connected to. Spending quality time with them (whether we're on the phone, through messages/letters, on Zoom, or in-person). Being there for them, listening to them, sharing what's going on with me, my struggles and my successes... like we do in the Esalen weekly Friends of Esalen Zoom sessions!”

“I remind myself in many ways of the fact that " Love is all there is!" LOVE is the prize and this one precious life is the stage we get to learn our lessons. I get out into nature, hike, camp, river kayak, fly fish, garden, I create, I dance (not enough!), and I remain grateful for each day, each breath, each moment. Being in the moment, awake, and remembering the gift of life and my feeling of gratitude for all of creation.”
“My physical heart by limiting stress and eating a heart-healthy diet. My emotional heart by staying in love with the world and by knowing that all disappointment and loss will pass.“
–David Z.

Today, September 29, is World Heart Day. Strike up a conversation with your own heart and as you feel comfortable, encourage others to do the same. As part of our own transformations and self-care, we sometimes ask for others to illuminate and enliven our hearts or speak our love language.

What if we could do this for ourselves too, even if just for today… or to start a heart practice, forever?


Heather Martin

Heather Martin is the Buyer and Visual Merchandiser for Esalen’s retail and online space. As a certified Reiki Master Teacher with experience in many facets of retail, Heather layers her ability to create beautiful spaces with her love of wellness.