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Magod Dela
Magod Dela
Praia Grande (Big Beach) at the end of the day. Porto Covo, Portugal.
+/− [vo], +/− [en]
Biomagodem Dela
The Deadly Companions is a 1961 American Western and war film directed by Sam Peckinpah and starring Maureen O'Hara, Brian Keith, Steve Cochran, and Chill Wills. Based on the novel of the same name by A. S. Fleischman, the film is about an ex-army soldier who accidentally kills a woman's son, and tries to make up for it by escorting the funeral procession through dangerous Indian territory.
+/− [vo], +/− [en]

Magods pevälöl

If visitol eli „Kobädikos“ balidnaedo, logolös magodis pevälöl obsik, kelis gebans isik evälons as pato völadikis.

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